UNRWA’n?n baz? personelin 7 Te?rinievvel'bile Hamas'?n ?srail'e yönelik taarruzlar?na kar??t??? iddias? üzerine Ma?ripl? ülkeler kas?lmaa müteveccih fonlar?n? ask?ya alm??t?.Side antik kentiyle özde?lesevinçli Athena ve Apollon tap?naklar? da bu antika kentin s?n?rlar? içerisinde bulunuyor.Eksik tonluk ta?lardan yap?lm?? sütunlar?, Antaly
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40.65209435.8300056 Hatuniye Mahallesi, Hazeranlar Sok. The old town of Amasya is located at the foot of the mountain just on the riverbanks. A variety of picturesque houses ya?ama be found here. The old town used to be protected with defensive walls. The temple on the ancient acropolis of Ancyra was enlarged in the 2nd century and converted into